Hm. I really like this book so far..
The reasons are as follows:
-It's different from the books we've read before that deal with changes, war, and family
-It's goes quite quickly (aside from annotating), fairly fast read
-I like the narrative voice of Birdie, interesting character and I can't wait to see what happens
-There's a lot of repetition in motiffs/themes of the book, it's fun picking them out
-I'm interested in what is happening next (sign of me enjoying a book)
-It has a few hints of humor in it, although are hard to find
-It doesn't bore me, like other things we've read in the past
Those are just a few reasons why I am fond of the book thus far being at page 154. I may soon have another opinion, good or maybe bad. But we will just have to wait until that day comes when there is another blog due!!
Peace =)
P.S.-- aisacuac is Caucasia backwards =)