Monday, December 8, 2008

apple pie and other things

I'm a little confused as to why we are doing so much on war. Yes. War and learning about war history is beneficial; however, why the heck are we doing so much on it in our College Literature class? We are currently reading a book on a war, but instead of jumping right into a bunch of articles about the war let's talk about the book!!!! Maybe I am just a little bitter about the busywork we were told to do. Yes. Busywork. Another may argue that it is close reading, close reading can also be in news articles. Well great!! Awesome!! Can we at least talk about our thoughts about the book that We Are Reading Currently first??


Anyway, I'm enjoying the book we are reading. I am not really fond of the war letter assignment, and why we are close reading letters from people. But I guess I really don't have to understand, or do it. It'll just end up effecting my grade. Can't wait for break! Or possibly a snow day tomorrow!! SWEET. If we have one that will be SO AWESOME!! But we will see I suppose.

Gotta Skidadle! Peace!


Lisa said...

heyyyy hey girlie!! I totally agree with you, I wish that we would discuss the book first before diving into all of this war junk. How are we supposed to get a "better understanding of the situation" if we don't understand the situation to begin with? I think it would help everyone out if we could just sit down in class and discuss what the heck is really going on in this book.

Shauna L said...

I was pretty happy that we ended up having a snow day. :)
I too thought it was rather random to go from almost finishing the book into stuff about war.
Maybe it was to get all of us to a deeper understanding of what goes through the minds of one in the war. Afterall, the book deals with Billy, who took part in a war...
Well I hope you had a good snow day!

Hannah T said...

Haha. I completely agree with you. I really don't like all the close reading things that we are doing. I feel like we get one new everyday, but I guess it will help us for college, at least I hope so.

Natalie H said...

Ohhh Alyssa Gray :)

I hope your having a wonderful day! I was pretty confused as well with some of the war stuff, but ohh well. Anyway, nice made me laugh.


or, as some kids in CIMUN would say, CHEA. haha :)

Kels said...

I totally agree with the fact that we are spending a lot more time on busy work then the actual book we are reading. Also, it wasn't a very easy book to follow anyways. Good blog :)

Alyssa O said...

Wow I totally agree with the way too much war busy work! I already have A.P. U.S. this quarter, and there are pleanty of wars for me to learn about there. It also drives me insane how we never talk about the storys we read until the last 15 min of class and dont ever have time to finish discussing so we understand. grrrr...but yea snow!!! :)

Mr. Kunkle said...

I think it is difficult to read any novel without considering its social and historical context, and much more so when the novel in question deals specifically with a historical event. Given that one of Vonnegut's goals is to provide us with an authentic, non-glorified view of what it is to be a soldier, reading closely letters from actual soldiers would seem to be a worthwhile activity.

Busywork? Come on... Show me one assignment we’ve done to “keep you busy” and I'll give you a Power Ranger lollipop from my private stash.

Ky-Ky Bebeh said...

To be honest, I've been getting sick of all of this War stuff too.

Like Alyssa O., I have AP US History, and there are enough wars in that to last a lifetime! >.<

I've also always wondered what it'd be like if we read a fantasy book or something like that for once in school...

Or perhaps this is just because my mind is still stuck on reading the Twilight books? :X

Marisa said...

I totally agree with you. It feels like we do alot of busy work and we dont even get graded on it. Why put in all the effort if you dont recieve a grade. It would be BA if we had a snow day.