Monday, December 15, 2008
kitchen silverware

Posted by AGray at 11:08 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
apple pie and other things
I'm a little confused as to why we are doing so much on war. Yes. War and learning about war history is beneficial; however, why the heck are we doing so much on it in our College Literature class? We are currently reading a book on a war, but instead of jumping right into a bunch of articles about the war let's talk about the book!!!! Maybe I am just a little bitter about the busywork we were told to do. Yes. Busywork. Another may argue that it is close reading, close reading can also be in news articles. Well great!! Awesome!! Can we at least talk about our thoughts about the book that We Are Reading Currently first??
Anyway, I'm enjoying the book we are reading. I am not really fond of the war letter assignment, and why we are close reading letters from people. But I guess I really don't have to understand, or do it. It'll just end up effecting my grade. Can't wait for break! Or possibly a snow day tomorrow!! SWEET. If we have one that will be SO AWESOME!! But we will see I suppose.
Gotta Skidadle! Peace!
Posted by AGray at 12:54 PM 9 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Just started that new book--Slaughterhouse Five. The first chapter confused me at first; I enjoyed how it was written (the whole book for that matter), but maybe it was just that I wasn't paying attention as much as I should have been while reading. Kurt was narrating the first chapter! Haha. As we discussed today in class; the story does have many motifs. One in particular that I noticed was the clock/time motif. Time seemed to occur quite frequently throughout both chapters. Whether it was Billy Pilgrim and how 'time was unstuck', or the times when Billy would suddenly go back in time in his mind. So far I'm enjoying the writing a lot, and I think my liking for it will grow as I continue to read.
In the second chapter, we are introduced to Robert Weary who is among the gentleman who were dragging Billy along trying to save his life. It seemed throughout their trekking that Weary was his friend. Weary was the one who would pick him up and drag him along, even when Billy just really wanted to die. When Billy wanted to quit, Weary wanted him to keep going no matter what. At the end of chapter two Billy tells the other men to go on ahead, but Weary refuses to let him die (Whether he was already planning on beating on him for fun, or maybe he just cared for his life). After Weary gets rejected he decides to take out his anger on Billy. He repeatedly kicks Billy and Billy just lies there defenseless; wearing hardly anything to keep him warm or safe. I was wondering throughout Weary's friendliness to Billy if he was hanging onto Billy as a friend, or if he actually intended on kicking his unfortunate butt.
Hopefully I will find out more as we read along, but so far so good!
Posted by AGray at 11:50 PM 3 comments
College Literature
Well; so far on our college literature trail we have covered many interesting stories. I guess I really don't have a point to this blog--I'm just going to start babbling..
Ha! So far we have covered quite a bit in this class and we are now nearing mid-term! Holy cow.. how time flies. It's really frightening to think that we are almost half-way done with high school, (Well.. many of us anyway). This class has definitely opened my eyes to new short stories and now a new book that I definitely wouldn't have picked up on my own. Surprisingly I've enjoyed almost every story we've read. Almost Every..mainly referring to Bartleby! Well; I have been pretty harsh on poor Bartleby, the problem with the story personally was that it was extremely hard to get into early on, and because of that; I just didn't have the patience for it. And the fact that the musical was at its high point and I was extremely busy to give it a chance! Maybe I would have liked it; but I guess I'll only find out if I decide to take it out again.. hahahaha... ehhh..
Anyway; about leaving.. This class has definitely given me the right perspective of a college literature class. I'm sure professors in college will not be as leanient about deadlines and what have you; but overall I think it may be a fair comparison. Aside from Mr. Kunkle randomly checking to see if we've been annotating what we have to read, the class itself has been pretty laid-back and student led. I've never really had the chance to analyze pieces of writing to this extent so i've really enjoyed it. I have to say it's only been a couple times where I've been dragging myself to class..but that was mostly during the musical/Bartleby.
Hmm.. Ehh Well I guess I just had to reflect since it's mid-term and all; and I also need two blogs for tomorrow =)
Peace Out!!
Posted by AGray at 9:53 PM 2 comments